Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Andy 'Digger' Badger guilty of bullying

Extract from the 'Badfort News':

The former editor of the 'Homeward Gazette', Andy 'Digger' Badger, has been revealed to have led a culture of bullying at the newspaper.

Matt Badger, a sports reporter who was sacked while on long-term sick leave for burrow depression has been awarded a payout of £500 by an employment tribunal.

It is now apparent that Andy 'Digger' Badger wanted to "get shot" of him.

'Digger' earned his nickname for his tenacious desire to dig the dirt on Mister Hateman and his followers here at Badfort.

He was forced to resign from the 'Homeward Gazette' following the discovery that he had been tapping the phones of the Badfort Revolutionary Front.

We asked Mister Hateman for his opinion on the news:

"It comes as no surprise to me, after all, he worked for the bully bounder dictator of Homeward - Unc the Tyrant!. What should concern us all is the fact that 'Digger' is now the head of communications for Dave 'Smiley' Badger's campaign to be elected Mayor of Badgertown! What dirty tricks can we expect from this psychopath!"

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